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Come, Join Me.

by Olin
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A dreamers’ guise, grasped–behold.


I know what I know. I cannot unknow it. It burns itself into me. Bestowed upon me knowledge that mustn’t be mistaken.

“Do tell, little one. Share with me this knowledge.”

“Well, Primordial, I don’t believe there is anything you don’t already know. However I will humor you. I was once the stars themselves. Dwelled and lived beyond the limitations of this body. Traversing limitlessly beyond the scopes of the human eye. Capable of more than I could feasibly comprehend. Beyond this world is but one of many. Every experience is possible and many have already been lived. Yet, there seems to be an endless beauty of constantly needing to imagine an experience that has not yet been lived. So we rebirth to remember, and imagine as creatively as possible in high hopes that the forgotten mind and the remembered mind bands together in one completely unconceived formality as to merely invite more possibilities of life. It would do me no good nor a single other soul to recollect all of our memories at once, as that should last an eternity for that is the lifespan of all existence. Never this. We rejoice in the memories as we die in our sleep and awaken to a new day reborn once again in light of the new memories unforgotten. As I’ve said, not every soul can completely comprehend the scope of our existences, but, the smallest of glimpses is more than enough to spark a journey worth living in just one human life time. We’ll do this over and again until the soul is ready to move on to another Planet once the previous is flourished and is so indefinitely. If there is a will, there will always be a way.”

“Ah yes. The Elder within recognizes what many cannot see. You are aware of what you do not know and do know. Now old one, what shall be the path–your path, your way?”

“I shall traverse the stars in my sleep once again, Primordial. I will dream and rejoice in the days that are yet to come. .. I will be free always.”

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