Hello everybody, I’m currently not doing any readings right now.
Should you really need a reading… it would be better to schedule one by sending an email to “theserpentandthebird@gmail.com”, and I will get back to you.
Alas, the readings on my YouTube channel is more than enough to assist you on your path whenever you seek guidance. But should you feel you need more direct assistance, I will be happy to help with the assistance and guidance of my Spirit team.
I hope you enjoy your stay at the Inn. Go check out the 616 Blog post! I explore divinity through storytelling most of the time–feel free to check it out! Working on Chapter 2…
Once again, I am not doing readings right now… I just do not know how to edit the services out lol, sorry. But should you really need a reading done, send an email.
Thank you for being here, and I love each and every one of you. We all deserve to exist.